February 8-12

Important Dates:

Monday, February 8th 3rd grade Math Benchmark

Tuesday, February 9th 3rd grade Reading Benchmark

Monday, February 15th School Holiday

Wednesday, February 17th Spring Pictures

Math Learning Goals:  Comparing Fractions

3.3F(R)- represent equivalent fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 using a variety of objects and pictorial models, including number lines

3.3G(S)- explain that two fractions are equivalent if and only if they are both represented by the same point on the number line or represent the same portion of the same size whole for an area model.

3.3H(R)- compare two fractions having the same numerator or denominator in problems by reasoning about their sizes and justifying the conclusion using symbols, words, objects, and pictorial models

Math Homework:

  • Math homework is sent home on Fridays and is due back the following Thursday.  Homework will be due on Thursday, February 11th.
  • Please study your MULTIPLICATION FACTS. We will have a Mad 2 Minutes on Thursday. Students will have two minutes to solve 30 multiplication facts. This is our last practice before we take a grade.  We will set goals each week to improve fact fluency.

Science Learning Goals:  Solar System 

3.8B – Describe and illustrate the Sun as a star composed of gases that provides light and thermal energy.

3.8C – Construct models that demonstrate the Sun, Earth and moon including orbits and positions.

3.8D – Identify the planets in Earth solar system and their position in relation to the Sun.

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