November 30 – December 3

Important Upcoming Dates and Information:

  • Permission slips and money for our upcoming field trip is due by Friday, December 3  (CASH only please)
  • Field Trip to Plantation Christmas Tree Farms in Tyler is Monday, December 6

Math Learning Goals:  Longhand Division

4.4E- Represent the quotient of up to a 4-digit whole number divided by a 1-digit whole number using arrays, area models, or equations  (S)

4.4F- Use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to divide up to a 4-digit dividend by a 1-digit divisor (S)

4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)   

Math Homework: No HW due this week!!!

No math homework is due this Thursday.  New math homework will be sent home on Friday and is due the following Thursday.

4th Grade Field Trip to Plantation Pines Christmas Tree Farm


When: Monday, December 6th (we will be leaving at 8:45 am)

Where: 10098 CR 429, Tyler, TX 75704

Cost: $8 per student (Please send this by Friday, December 3)  

What does a farm fun day look like?

The Plantation Pines field trip is from 10:00-12:15! During that time we will have groups split up and enjoy a storytime, hayride in the field, and games! Each station will be 25 minutes long with a 5 minute transition to allow us to sanitize after each group. We will have a picnic lunch and play on the playground.

Due to the safety of the children while on the farm, some parents may be asked to walk to the field, or sit on the floor on the hayride.  

There is no charge for teachers or parents who come along to help supervise. 

November 15-19

Math Learning Goals:  2-digit by 2-digit Multiplication & Symmetry

4.4B- Determine products of a number and 10 or 100 using properties of operations and place value understandings. (S)

4.4C- Use arrays, area models, or equations to represent products (S)

4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)

4.6B- Identify and draw one or more lines of symmetry, if they exist, for a 2D figure. (S) 

Math Homework:

Math homework is passed out each Friday and is due back the following Thursday.  Make sure students make their multiplication T-charts on the back. 2’s -10’s



November 8-12

Math Learning Goals: 2-digit by 2-digit Multiplication

4.4B- Determine products of a number and 10 or 100 using properties of operations and place value understandings. (S)

4.4C- Use arrays, area models, or equations to represent products (S)

4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)          

Math Homework:

Math homework is passed out each Friday and is due back the following Thursday.  Make sure students make their multiplication T-charts on the back. 2’s -10’s

Coin War!


There is a Coin War going on sponsored by the NHS students in high school. This will be going on through next week. The winning class from each grade level will win a special prize! MOST OF ALL some underprivileged children will be helped from all the donations!


Career Day


As part of our 4th grade PBL, we are hosting a Career Day on December 2nd. A letter was sent home on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, asking for volunteers to come and present about your job and how math is involved. Please read through this note and if you feel lead to talk to our students, fill it out and return it with your child! We are hoping for some exciting presenters!!