November 28-December 2

Important Dates:

  • Thanksgiving Break November 21-25

Math Learning Goals:  Longhand Division

  • 4.4E- Represent the quotient of up to a 4-digit whole number divided by a 1-digit whole number using arrays, area models, or equations  (S)
  • 4.4F- Use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to divide up to a 4-digit dividend by a 1-digit divisor (S)
  • 4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)   

Math Homework:  No homework due this week

  • Due to the break, no homework was passed out on Friday.  New homework will be sent home on Friday, December 2nd and will be due the following Thursday, December 8th,

Science Learning Goals: Resources

  • 4.7C Identify and Classify Earth’s renewable resources and nonrenewable resources, and the importance of conservation.

November 14-18

Important Dates:

  • Food drive ends Tuesday, November 15th.
  • Thanksgiving Break November 21-25 – Students will return on Monday, November 28th

Math Learning Goals: Review and Common Assessment

  • 4.4B- Determine products of a number and 10 or 100 using properties of operations and place value understanding. (S)
  • 4.4C- Use arrays, area models, or equations to represent products (S)
  • 4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)          

Math Homework:  Due Thursday, November 17th

  • Math homework was passed out on Friday and is due the following Thursday.  We have added multiplication T-charts on the back this week.  There will be no new homework passed on on Friday, November 18th due to Thanksgiving Break.

Science Learning Goals: Weathering, Erosion & Deposition

  • 4.7B observe and identify slow changes to the Earth’s surface caused by weathering, erosion and deposition



November 7-11

Important Dates:

  • Wednesday, November 9th – Big Kahuna Party Bus for students who sold 15 items
  • Thursday, November 10th – Big Kahuna Delivery
  • Friday, November 11th at 11:30 Veterans Day Program at the High School Cafeteria.  This program is about 25 minutes long.  Students can be checked out at the end of the performance at the high school.  Students need to wear jeans and patriotic t-shirts.

Math Learning Goals:  2-digit by 2-digit Multiplication

  • 4.4B- Determine products of a number and 10 or 100 using properties of operations and place value understanding. (S)
  • 4.4C- Use arrays, area models, or equations to represent products (S)
  • 4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)          

Math Homework:  Due Thursday November 10th.

  • Math homework was passed out on Friday and due the following Thursday.

Science Learning Goals:  Properties of Soil

  • 4.7A examine the properties of soil-including color and texture, capacity to retain water, and support growth


October 31- November 4

Important Dates:

Monday, October 31st : Story Book Character Day

Wednesday, Nov 2nd: Fall Picture Retakes

Math Learning Goals:  2-digit by 2-digit X with Area Models

4.4B- Determine products of a number and 10 or 100 using properties of operations and place value understanding. (S)

4.4C- Use arrays, area models, or equations to represent products (S)

4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)    

Math Homework:  Due Thursday Nov. 3rd

Math homework is passed out on Friday and due the following Thursday.

Science Learning Goals: Types of Soil

4.7A examine the properties of soil-including color and texture, capacity to retain water, support growth


Ocotober 24-28

Important Dates:

  • Wednesday, October 26th Early Release 11:30
  • October 24th- 28th Red Ribbon Week  (Monday: Wear Red, Tuesday: Hat Day, Wednesday: Neon Day, Thursday: Superhero Day, Friday: WO Colors/Jersey Day

Math Learning Goals:  Strategies to Multiply

  • 4.4B- Determine products of a number and 10 or 100 using properties of operations and place value understanding. (S)
  • 4.4C- Use arrays, area models, or equations to represent products (S)
  • 4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)
  • 4.6B- Identify and draw one or more lines of symmetry, if they exist, for a 2D figure. (S)    

Math Homework:  Due Thursday, October 27th

  • Math HW was passed out on Friday and due the following Thursday, Oct. 27th

Science Learning Goals: Food Web & Food Chains

  • 4.9A Investigate that most producers need sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to make their own food, while consumers are dependent on other organisms for food. 
  • 4.9B Describe the flow of energy through food webs, beginning with the Sun

Report Cards

Due to our field trip today, 4th Grade report cards will go home tomorrow along with all graded papers in a manilla envelope.  Please keep all graded papers, sign and return the empty manilla envelope and report card on Monday. Thanks.

Field Trip Reminders

Field Trip Reminders:

Our field trip is this Thursday, October 20th.  We will load the buses at 8:10. Please make sure your child is at school on time.  

The cost per child is $6 cash.  Please turn this into your child’s teacher by Wednesday, October 19th.

If you did not sign up for a cafeteria lunch, please make sure your child has a sack lunch and drink with their name on it. 

Parent’s are allowed to come to the Oil Museum and walk with their child only while they tour the museum with their homeroom.  

If you plan on coming, you MUST come to the office and sign in through our RAPTOR system and get a visitor tag before going to the Oil Museum.  At the Oil Museum you will be required to pay $6 for your admission.

Student’s will be allowed to be checked out with their homeroom teacher after lunch at the park. 

October 17-21

Important Dates:

  • Monday, October 16th – No School
  • Thursday, October 20th – 4th Field Trip to the Texas Oil Museum
  • Friday, October 21st – 4th Grade parents may eat with their children
  • October 24th- 28th Red Ribbon Week  (Monday: Wear Red, Tuesday: Hat Day, Wednesday: Neon Day, Thursday: Superhero Day, Friday: WO Colors/Jersey Day

Math Learning Goals:  X10 and X100

  • 4.4B ~ Determine products of a number x10 or 100 (S)

Math Homework:  Due Thursday, October 20th

  • Math HW was passed out on Friday and due the following Thursday, Oct. 2oth

Science Learning Goals: Food Chains & Webs

  • 4.9A Investigate that most producers need sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to make their own food, while consumers are dependent on other organisms for food. 
  • 4.9B Describe the flow of energy through food webs, beginning with the Sun