Graded paper binders will go home today. Please sign and return the binder tomorrow. Thanks.
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February 27 – March 3
Important Dates:
Friday, March 3rd – 4th Grade Parents can eat lunch with their children.
Monday, March 6th Math Benchmark
Tuesday, March 7th Reading Benchmark
March 13-17th Spring Break
Math Learning Goals:
4.9A-R: Represent Data on Frequency Tables, Dot Plots, and Stem-and-Leaf Plots
4.9B-S: Solve problems using data from tables and graphs
4.6A-S: Identify points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, and parallel and perpendicular lines
Math Homework: Due Thursday, March 2nd
Math homework is sent home on Fridays and due the following Thursday.
Science Learning Goals:
4.8B Water cycle and the role of the sun in the water cycle
February 20-24
Important Dates:
Monday, February 20th No School
Math Learning Goals: Adding & Subtracting Fractions
- 4.3 E Represent and solve addition and subtraction of fractions with equal denominators using objects and pictorial models that build to the number line and properties of operations (R )
- 4.3 F Evaluate the reasonableness of sums and differences using benchmark fractions 0, ¼, ½, ¾, and 1, referring to the same whole (S)
Math Homework: Due Thursday, February 23
Math homework is passed out on Fridays and due the following Thursday.
Science Learning Goals: The Water Cycle
- 4.8B Water cycle and the role of the sun in the water cycle
Graded Paper Binders Go Home Today
Graded paper binders will go home today. Please sign and return tomorrow. Thanks.
February 13-17
Important Information:
- Tuesday, February 14th at 1:00 Valentine’s Day Party. Students may be checked out by their parents after the party.
- Wednesday, February 15th – Early Release 11:30
- Monday, February 20th – School Holiday – President’s Day
Math Learning Goals: Comparing Fractions
- 4.3C- Determine if two fractions are equivalent using a variety of methods (S)
- 4.3D- Use < > = to represent fraction comparisons
Math Homework: Due Thursday, February 16th
- Math Homework is passed out on Fridays and due the following Thursday.
Science Learning Goals: The Water Cycle
- 4.8B Describe and illustrate the Water cycle and the role of the sun in the water cycle.
Progress Reports Go Home Today
Progress reports will be sent home today. Please sign and return. Thanks.
February 6-10
Important Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday, Feb. 14, Valentine’s Party 1:00
Wednesday, Feb. 15, Early Release Day 11:30
Monday, Feb. 20, School Holiday for Students
Math Leaning Goals: Common Assessment & Equivalent Fractions
- 4.3A- Represent a fraction a/b as a sum of fractions 1/b. where a and b are whole numbers and b>0, including when a>b (S)
- 4.3B- Decompose a fraction in more than one way into a sum of fractions with the same denominator using concrete and pictorial models and recording results with symbolic representations (S)
- 4.3C- Determine if two fractions are equivalent using a variety of methods (S)
Math Homework: Due Thursday, February 9th
- Math homework was passed out on Friday, Feb 3rd and will be due the following Thursday, February 9th.
Science Learning Goals: Water Cycle
- 4.8B Water cycle and the role of the sun in the water cycle
Graded Paper Binders
Graded paper binders will go home today. Please sign and return tomorrow. Thanks.
Valentine’s Party Information
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! A letter about the party was sent home yesterday. If you would like to sign up to help, please sign and return the letter.
4th Grade Valentine’s Day party will be on Tuesday, February 14th at 1:00 Parents are able to attend the party and check their child out after the party.
Each student will need to make a Valentine box/sack and buy valentine cards for all of the students in our class. Please have the box/sack and cards at school by Friday, February 10th.
If you would like to send favors and/or candy to put in the Valentine boxes/bags, that would be wonderful and much appreciated.
January 30 – February 3
Math Learning Goals: Mixed and Improper Fractions
- 4.3A- Represent a fraction a/b as a sum of fractions 1/b. where a and b are whole numbers and b>0, including when a>b (S)
- 4.3B- Decompose a fraction in more than one way into a sum of fractions with the same denominator using concrete and pictorial models and recording results with symbolic representations (S)
- 4.4H- Solve with fluency 1- & 2-step problems involving multiplication and division including interpreting remainders. (R)
Math Homework: Due Thursday, February 2nd
- Math homework was passed out Friday, January 27th and is due back the following Thursday, February 2nd
Science Learning Goals: Patterns in Weather
- 4.8A Measure, predict, and record changes in weather
- 4.8C identify sequences and predict patterns of shadows, seasons, moon over time