Monthly Archives: December 2022
December 12-16
Important Dates:
December 12th – Wear an ugly Christmas sweater
December 13th – Wear Christmas PJ’s
December 14th- Wear Christmas Socks & Hat
December 15th- Wear Red & White for Candy Canes
December 16th- Wear Red & Green for Party Day
Thursday, December 15th – Early Release 11:30
Friday, December 16th – Christmas Party 9-10 (Students can leave with parents after party)
Friday, December 16th- Early Release 11:30
Math Learning Goals: Longhand Division
- 4.4E- Represent the quotient of up to a 4-digit whole number divided by a 1-digit whole number using arrays, area models, or equations (S)
- 4.4F- Use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to divide up to a 4-digit dividend by a 1-digit divisor (S)
- 4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)
Math Homework: Homework Due Wednesday, December 14th
- Math Homework was sent home on Friday, December 9th. It will be due back the following Wednesday, December 14th.
Science Learning Goals: Natural Resources
- 4.7C Identify and Classify Earth’s renewable resources and nonrenewable resources, and the importance of conservation.
Longhand Division Extra Practice
We have been learning about Longhand Division. Any extra practice at home would be great for students. Below are some learning videos and a game to practice.
December 5-9
Important Upcoming Dates:
Christmas Dress Up Days:
December 12th – Wear an ugly Christmas sweater
December 13th – Wear Christmas PJ’s
December 14th- Wear Christmas Socks & Hat
December 15th- Wear Red & White for Candy Canes
December 16th- Wear Red & Green for Party Day
Thursday, December 15th – Early Release
Friday, December 16th- Early Release 11:30
Friday, December 16th Christmas Party 9:00-10:00
Math Learning Goals: Longhand Division
- 4.4E- Represent the quotient of up to a 4-digit whole number divided by a 1-digit whole number using arrays, area models, or equations (S)
- 4.4F- Use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to divide up to a 4-digit dividend by a 1-digit divisor (S)
- 4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)
Math Homework: Homework Due Thursday, December 8th
- Math Homework was sent home on Friday, December 3rd. It will be due back the following Thursday, December 8th.
Science Learning Goals: Natural Resources
- 4.7C Identify and Classify Earth’s renewable resources and nonrenewable resources, and the importance of conservation.