Thank you to Mrs. Fuller for all her hard work with our students!
Monthly Archives: February 2022
February 28 – March 4
Math Learning Goals: Comparing Fractions
4.3D- Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators and represent the comparison using the symbols >, <, & =. (R)
4.3E- Represent and solve addition and subtraction of fractions with equal denominators using objects and pictorial models that build to the number line and properties of operations. (R)
4.3F- Evaluate the reasonableness of sums and differences of fractions using benchmark fractions 0, ¼, ½, ¾, and 1, referring to the same whole. (S)
Math Homework: Due Thursday, March 3
Math homework was passed out Friday, Feb. 25th. It will be due back the following Thursday, March 3rd. If students fail to turn homework in on time, they will receive a point off of their conduct grade and will walk at recess. Students can always turn their homework in early.
February 21-25
Important Dates:
Monday, February 21st – No School (President’s Day)
Math Learning Goals: Comparing Fractions
4.4H- Solve with fluency 1- & 2-step problems involving multiplication and division including interpreting remainders. (R)
4.3C- Determine if two fractions are equivalent using a variety of methods (S)
4.3D- Use <, >, or = to represent fraction comparison (R)
Math Homework: Due Thursday
Math homework was passed out Friday, Feb. 18th. It will be due back the following Thursday, Feb 24th. *Starting this week: If students fail to turn homework in on time, they will receive a point off of their conduct grade and will walk at recess. Students can always turn their homework in early.
February 14-18
Important Dates:
Monday, Feb 14th Valentine Day Party 1:30 -2:20
Wednesday, Feb 16th Early Release at 11:30
Math Learning Goals: Equivalent Fractions
4.3A- Represent a fraction a/b as a sum of fractions 1/b. where a and b are whole numbers and b>0, including when a>b (S)
4.3B- Decompose a fraction in more than one way into a sum of fractions with the same denominator using concrete and pictorial models and recording results with symbolic representations (S)
4.3C- Determine if two fractions are equivalent using a variety of methods (S)
Math Homework: Due Thursday
Math homework was passed out Friday, Feb. 11th. It will be due back the following Thursday, Feb 17th.
Progress Reports Go Home Today
Progress reports will be sent home today. Please sign and return tomorrow. Thanks!
February 7-11
Important Dates:
Friday, February 11th Valentine boxes due.
Monday, February 14th Valentine Day Party 1:30-2:20 (Parents are welcomed)
Wednesday, February 16th Early Release 11:30
Math Learning Goals: Mixed and Improper Fractions
4.4H- Solve with fluency 1- & 2-step problems involving multiplication and division including interpreting remainders. (R)
4.3A- Represent a fraction a/b as a sum of fractions 1/b. where a and b are whole numbers and b>0, including when a>b (S)
4.3B- Decompose a fraction in more than one way into a sum of fractions with the same denominator using concrete and pictorial models and recording results with symbolic representations (S)
4.3C- Determine if two fractions are equivalent using a variety of methods (S)
Math Homework:
Due to bad weather days last week, the homework that was due last Thursday will be due this Thursday. We will not pass any new homework home until this Friday.
Updated Valentine Party Letter
Please make sure you see the newest Valentine’s Day party letter that is going home today. It has important changes that you will need to be aware of. Below is a copy in case your child loses it.
Valentine’s Day plans have changed! We will now have parties beginning at 1:30 PM and ending at 2:20 PM. Doors will open to parents at 1:30 PM
- Parents may donate food for the parties but everything needs to be prepackaged and sealed. No homemade goods, etc.
- Parents wanting to attend the parties will park in the upper lot behind the MS (across the street from our campus sign by the pecan tree) to avoid jamming up our parking lot used for afternoon pick up.
- Parents will be allowed to leave with their child at the end of the party
Don’t forget to have your Valentine Box at school by Friday, February 11!