Monthly Archives: October 2021
November 1-5
Important Dates:
Watchdog Parent Meeting Tuesday, November 2 from 6:00-6:30
Math Learning Goals: 2-digit by 2-digit Multiplication
4.4B- Determine products of a number and 10 or 100 using properties of operations and place value understanding. (S)
4.4C- Use arrays, area models, or equations to represent products (S)
4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)
Math Homework:
Math homework is passed out each Friday and is due back the following Thursday. Make sure students make their multiplication T-charts on the back. 2’s -10’s
October 25-29
Important Dates:
October 21- 29 Book Fair Week
Red Ribbon Week Oct 25-29
Monday – Wear Red
Tuesday- Wear Neon/Bright Colors
Wednesday- Wear Boots/Rain Boots
Thursday- Wear school appropriate PJ’s
Friday- Dress up like your favorite story book character
Tuesday, October 26 – Family Reading Night 6:00-7:30 pm
Wednesday, October 27th EARLY RELEASE 11:30
Math Learning Goals: Multiplication
4.4B- Determine products of a number and 10 or 100 using properties of operations and place value understanding. (S)
4.4C- Use arrays, area models, or equations to represent products (S)
4.4D- Use strategies and algorithms to multiply (S)
4.6B- Identify and draw one or more lines of symmetry, if they exist, for a 2D figure. (S)
Math Homework:
Math homework is passed out each Friday and is due back the following Thursday. Make sure students make their multiplication T-charts on the back.
Red Ribbon Week
Donate to our Class Library
Starting October 21-29 parents will be able to “donate” to my classroom library this year during the Book Fair. Please click on the link below if you would like to donate money for our class library. Thanks!
October 18-22
Important Dates:
- Monday, October 18th School Holiday
- Thursday, October 21st
*Report Cards go Home
*BOOK FAIR begins – Oct.21-29
Math Learning Goals: x10 x100
4.4B~Determine products of a number x10 or 100 (S)
4.4C- Use arrays, area models, or equations to represent products (S)
Math Homework:
Math homework is passed out each Friday and is due back the following Thursday.
October 11-15
Math Learning Goal: Add/Sub Decimals
TEKS: 4.4A- Add and subtract whole numbers & decimals to the hundredths place. (R)
Math Homework:
Math homework is passed out each Friday and is due back the following Thursday.
October 4-8
Math Learning Goals: Decimals/Fractions on Number Lines
- 4.2G(R) – Relate decimals to fractions: Tenths & Hundredths ®
- 4.2H(S) – Determine decimal numbers as points on a number line
- 4.3G(S) – Represent fractions and decimals as distances on number lines
Math Homework:
Math homework is passed out each Friday and is due back the following Thursday.