November 30 – December 4

Math Learning Goals: 2-digit by 1-digit Multiplication 

3.4F(S)- recall facts to multiply up to 10 by 10 with automaticity and recall the corresponding division facts

3.4G(S)- use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number. Strategies may include mental math, partial produce, and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties

Math Homework:

  • Math homework is sent home on Fridays and is due back the following Thursday.  Homework will be due on Thursday, December 3.  It was passed out the Friday before we left on Thanksgiving break.
  • Please study your MULTIPLICATION FACTS.  0’s, 1’s, 2’s, 3’s and 4’s only. We will have a Mad Minute on Thursday. Students will have one minute to solve 30 multiplication facts.  This is not for a grade.  We will set goals each week to improve fact fluency.

Science Learning Goals: Rapid Changes on Earth 

3.3B – represent the natural world using models such as volcanoes or the Sun, Earth, and Moon system and identify their limitations, including size, properties, and materials; and

3.7B- investigate rapid changes in Earth’s surface such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides.

November 16-20

Important Dates:

Thanksgiving Break November 23-27

Math Learning Goals:  One-digit by One-digit Multiplication Problem Solving 

3.4F(S)- recall facts to multiply up to 10 by 10 with automaticity and recall the corresponding division facts

3.4D(S)- determine the total number of objects when equally-sized groups of objects are combined or arranged in arrays up to 10 by 10

3.4E(S)- represent multiplication facts by using a variety of approaches such as repeated addition, equal-sized groups, arrays, area models, equal jumps on a number line, and skip counting

3.6 C (R) determine the area of rectangles with whole number side lengths in problems using multiplication related to the number of rows times the number of unit squares in each row

Math Homework:

  • Math homework will be sent home today and is due back the Thursday.
  • Please study your MULTIPLICATION FACTS.  0’s, 1’s, 2’s and 4’s only. We will have a Mad Minute on Thursday.  Students will have one minute to solve 30 multiplication facts.  This is not for a grade.  We will set goals each week to improve fact fluency.

Science Learning Goals: Soil

3.7A- Explore and record how soils are formed by weathering of rock and the decomposition of plant and animal remains.


On this Veterans Day, the students and staff of White Oak Intermediate would like to honor those relatives who have served or remain in active service in any branch of our country’s military. By participating in this campus-wide project, we hope to bring attention to how many veterans are a part of our lives. In doing so, Mrs. Rock’s goal is to raise awareness and appreciation for the dedication of these individuals who have served or are serving our country.

In order to do this, we would like for students to work with their parents to write the names of those in their families who have served (past or present), and if possible, what branch and how they are related. This information will be transferred to large posters and hung in the main entrance by Friday for all to read.

How many total veterans do you think will be listed? We will see on Friday.

November 9-13

Important Dates:

Thursday, November 12 – Big Kahuna Delivery Day

Friday, November 13 – Big Kahuna Party Bus Day

Friday, November 13 – Canned Food Drive ends

November 23-27 – Thanksgiving Break

Math Learning Goals: Multiplication

3.4D(S)- determine the total number of objects when equally-sized groups of objects are combined or arranged in arrays up to 10 by 10

3.4E(S)- represent multiplication facts by using a variety of approaches such as repeated addition, equal-sized groups, arrays, area models, equal jumps on a number line, and skip counting

3.4F(S)- recall facts to multiply up to 10 by 10 with automaticity and recall the corresponding division facts

Math Homework:

  • Math homework will be sent home today and is due back next Thursday.
  • Please study your MULTIPLICATION FACTS.  0’s, 1’s, 2’s  only. We will have a Mad Minute on Thursday. This will be our first Multiplication Mad Minute. Students will have one minute to solve 30 multiplication facts.  This is not for a grade.  We will set goals each week to improve fact fluency.

Science Learning Goals: Weathering and Erosion

3.7 Earth and space. The student knows that Earth consists of natural resources and its surface is constantly changing. The student is expected to: (A) explore and record how soils are formed by weathering of rock and the decomposition of plant and animal remains;