Week of August 31- September 4


3.2A(R)- compose and decompose numbers to the hundred thousands using objects, pictorial, and numbers. Expanded notation.

3.2B(S)- Relationships in Base 10 Place Value System

3.4A(R)- Solve one and two step addition and subtraction problems within 1,000


Math Homework:

  • Math homework will be sent home on Friday and is due back the following Thursday.
  • Please study your addition facts.  We will have a Mad Minute on Thursday.  Students will have one minute to solve 30 addition facts.  This is not for a grade.  We will set goals each week to improve fact fluency.



3.2D – analyze and interpret patterns in data to construct reasonable explanations based on evidence from investigations.

3.2F – communicate valid conclusions supported by data in writing, by drawing pictures, and through verbal discussion

3.3A – analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing

Week of August 24-28

Math Learning Goals: Place Value & Adding and Subtracting with Regrouping

3.2A(R)- compose and decompose numbers to the hundred thousands using objects, pictorial, and numbers. Expanded notation.

3.2B(S)- Relationships in Base 10 Place Value System

3.4A(R)- Solve one and two step addition and subtraction problems within 1,000

Math Homework:

  • Math homework will be sent home on Friday and is due back the following Thursday.
  • Please study your addition facts.  We will have a Mad Minute on Thursday.  Students will have one minute to solve 30 addition facts.  This is not for a grade.  We will set goals each week to improve fact fluency.

Science Learning Goals: Scientific Method (We will have our first Science Lab Friday) 

3.2A – Plan and implement descriptive investigations, including asking and answering questions, making observations, making inferences, and selecting and using equipment or technology needed, to solve a specific problem in the natural world

3.2B – Collect and record data by observing and measuring using the metric system and recognize differences between observed and measured data

3.2C – Construct maps, graphic organizers, simple tables, charts, and bar graphs using tools and current technology to organize, examine, and evaluate measured data

3.2D – Analyze and interpret patterns in data to construct reasonable explanations based on evidence from investigations

3.2E – Demonstrate that repeated investigations may increase the reliability of results

3.2F – Communicate valid conclusions supported by data in writing, by drawing pictures, and through verbal discussions

3.4A – Collect, record, and analyze information using tools, including cameras, computers, hand lenses, metric rulers, Celsius thermometers, wind vanes, rain gauges, pan balances, graduated cylinders, beakers, spring scales, hot plates, meter sticks, magnets, collecting nets, notebooks, and Sun, Earth, Moon system models, timing devices, and materials to support observations of habitats of organisms such as terrariums and aquariums


Math Homework and Mad Minute Results Sent Home Today

Math homework will be sent home today.  This is due back by Thursday, August 27.  We will send math homework home every Friday and it’s due the following Thursday.

We are also sending home the results of the Mad Minute from yesterday.  Students have one minute to answer 30 addition problems.  This is not a grade.  Each week we want to see students making progress. Today, each student wrote a goal on the back of their paper of how many they want to get correct next week.   Please encourage students to practice their facts at home.  This will help them reach their goal each week.  Please sign the Mad Minute and return it next Monday.



Week of August 17-21

Math Learning Goals: Place Value and Addition & Subtraction

3.2A(R)- compose and decompose numbers to the hundred thousands using objects, pictorial, and numbers. Expanded notation.
3.2B(S)- Relationships in Base 10 Place Value System
3.4A(R)- Solve one and two step addition and subtraction problems within 1,000

Math Homework:  

  • Math Homework will be passed out on Friday, August 21.  It will be due the following Thursday, August 27.  We will always pass out homework on Fridays starting this week and it will be due the following Thursday.
  • Please study your addition facts.  We will have a Mad Minute on Thursday.  Students will have one minute to solve 30 addition facts.  This is not for a grade.  We will set goals each week to improve fact fluency.

Science Learning Goals:  Science Safety

(A) demonstrate safe practices as described in Texas Education Agency-approved safety standards during classroom and outdoor investigations using safety equipment as appropriate, including safety goggles or chemical splash goggles, as appropriate, and gloves;